Tuesday, May 22, 2012

And now for something completely different....

Rio Grande Rides Again    8x16    oil on panel

Today's PAAC paint out was at the Colorado Railroad Museum. I've never been there, but have wanted to go for years. I never was quite sure where it was so I was glad Cliff put it on the schedule. It's a small place considering how many engines and train cars they have there. Tons of stuff packed into a small area. Since it's a museum and the trains aren't moving I thought the challenge here would be to make the trains seem like they were moving and hopefully come alive. So that's what I shot for. The light wasn't great but this old Rio Grande engine was. I saw several other engines that would make nice paintings also. My perspective and the train cars got a little wonky, but I'm happy with it. I took tons of photos so I'm sure there will be more train paintings in the future.


Nancy Hawkins said...

The expressive strokes you have used give a wonderful sense of action. Your colors are striking too. Wonderful painting!

DreamersRose said...

This is great, Jon. Looks like the train is roaring at you!

Jon Holdredge said...

Thanks! This was a fun painting!