Friday, October 14, 2011

Fall Light    9x12    Oil/Panel

Yesterday was the weekly PAAC paintout in the Castle Rock area. We went to a ranch called the Wilson Acreage south of Castle rock. It was a big place and there was a painting to be made every direction you looked. I could go back there many times and always find something new and fresh to paint. This little scene is out by their creek which runs through a hay field. It was a nice young Cottonwood grove and it had a great, quiet feel to it. The creek is just to the left of the panel. This field is also home to some stabled horses. They are super friendly and very curious. They loved the smell of my turpentine and they all wanted to get a quick whiff. The weather was fantastic and the colors were great. In the past I would have shied away from this type of scene because the amount of detail is so high. But I just could not resist trying it and I'm glad I did. This is one of the few paintings I have done this year that totally brings me right back the the time and place I painted it. I can still smell the fall leaves, hear the creek and whooping cranes, and hear and smell the horses. What a great day!


Nancy Hawkins said...

This is a wonderful painterly work Jon. Love the tree trunks and branches.

Jon Holdredge said...

Thanks Nancy!